Work Package 4: Development of a sustainable and inclusive value-chain for smallholder
dairy farmers in the Republic of Mauritius
Meeting with Dr. Shalini NEELIAH (Principal Scientific Officer) at the Food
Technology Laboratory (FTL)
Date of the meeting: 12th May 2023
Time of the meeting: 12:35
The Food Technology Laboratory’s (FTL) mission is to promote secure primary and
processor production. The Food Technology Laboratory is accredited by the Mauritius
Accreditation Service (MAURITAS).
The meeting held at the Food Technology Laboratory with Dr.Shalini NEELIAH was to
understand the liaison between the FTL and the dairy farmers. My research team and I (Dr.
Brinda Ramasawmy) developed a key informant checklist of the support institution for the
dairy farmers in Mauritius.
Objective of this meeting:
To acknowledge the help that the FTL under the Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food
Industry offers to the dairy farmers;
The different schemes that the government offers when a dairy farmer cannot afford
the different types of tests that they need to perform to avoid milk contamination;
The prices and lists of milk testing that FTL carried out

Figure 1: Interaction with Dr Shalini NEELIAH

Figure 2: Interaction with Dr Shalini NEELIAH
Meeting with Mr GOOLJAR (Acting Senior Scientific Officer) at the Animal
Production Division (APD)
Date of the meeting: 12th May 2023
Time of the meeting: 14:00
The Animal Production Division is an organisation established under the Ministry of Agro
Industry and Food Security.
The meeting held at the Animal Production Division with Mr. GOOLJAR was to understand
the liaison between the APD and the dairy farmers and also the Livestock Cooperatives. My
research team and I (Dr. Brinda Ramasawmy) developed a key informant checklist of the
support institution for the dairy farmers in Mauritius.
Objective of this meeting:
To gather information on the different type of animals (breeds) that the APD sell and
distribute to the dairy farmers and livestock cooperatives;
To acknowledge the veterinary services that they offer to the small dairy farmers who
cannot afford to pay;
The different schemes that APD offers to the dairy sector
The prices and the sources of the animals

Figure 3: Meeting held at the Animal Production Division, Reduit